Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is the time to come…

Dear Women of Faith supporters,

Please won’t you come to workday on Thursday, April 14th? You’re needed and we think you might need us too.

Come anytime between 11am – 8pm for any length of time.

The Bone Marrow Registry Drive will take place from noon to 6pm.



Please help 3 year old Ronan Godfrey who desperately needs a bone marrow transplant. You can help in one or more of the following ways:

1. You can join the bone marrow registry if you are between 18 and 60 years old, in good health, and are willing to donate to any person in need. The process to join the registry includes filling out a health questionnaire and providing a cheek swab. It takes about 10 minutes. ( has excellent videos that explain the entire process of donating marrow. There is a new procedure for donating bone marrow that is similar to donating plasma and does not require surgery. It is used in more than half of marrow transplants.)

2. If you are not able to donate, will you take time to call someone you know who may be able to?

3. If you would like to join the registry, but can’t make it on Thursday, you can request a kit at the website and register by mail.

4. Please remember Ronan and his family (who just welcomed a new baby brother 2 ½ weeks ago) in your prayers.

Help Us Provide An Easter Surprise!


NOTICE: We have a last minute request for something to help our boys at the Robertson Memorial Boys Home. The mid-singles are planning to have a very special Easter event with the boys. They will be taking in an Easter dinner complete with all the trimmings, then have a special program with music and an Easter message. They want to end by giving each young man an Easter basket filled with goodies. So, if you have any of the following you would like to donate, could you bring them with you on Thursday?

  • Easter Baskets
  • Easter Candy, plastic eggs, etc.        
  • Grass or netting for baskets
  • Any Easter décor

Other projects for Thursday:

1. wheelchair/walker caddies

2. crocheted hats

3. quilts

4. origami cranes (we turned in 1200 on Tues night!)

5. greeting cards

6. hygiene kits

Current Requests:

  • Easter candy, etc. (see above)
  • Yarn, particularly soft baby yarn
  • Used greeting cards (we’re cutting them up to make new cards)
  • Card stock and construction paper in a variety of colors
  • Scrapbooking paper – even scraps from other projects
  • Hygiene items: full size or samples, especially shaving cream, wash cloths, and combs
  • Quilt batting or donations of $$ to purchase it. (We can get it by the bolt for ½ price.)
  • You


“Those who labor unselfishly in behalf of others, with no thought of remuneration, will be physically and spiritually refreshed and renewed.”                       David B. Haight

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our first 1000+ origami peace cranes….


We made it!  We’ll be turning in our first 1000+ peace cranes on Tuesday night at an event taking place at Smiley Library in Redlands.  (The community is invited to attend. See the invitation which follows.)  We’ll also be providing volunteers to teach attendees how to make the cranes following the presentation.

Thanks to the women, youth women, children,
and yes, young men and dads,
who have all made cranes. 

No we’re not done yet! So keep folding!

You're invited!

In preparation for a Trip to the Manzanar National Historic Site on May 7th, Redlands Sister Cities Assocaiton is hosting  a Presentation on The Harada Family of Riverside,

The Redlands Japanese American Community and the California Peace Crane Project

Tuesday, April 12th

6:30 p.m.


A.K. Smiley Public Library

125 W. Vine St., Redlands

The Redlands Sister Cities Association, along with the Riverside Metropolitan Museum, A.K. Smiley Public Library, and Cal State University, San Bernardino, invites you to a special evening presentation featuring Lynn Voorheis, Museum Curator of Historic Structures, Riverside Metropolitan Museum. The presentation will focus on the story of the Harada family of Riverside from their immigration from Japan at the turn of the century through their WWII experiences and return to Riverside.

Don McCue, Archivist and Head of Special Collections, A.K. Smiley Public Library will provide remarks on the Redlands Japanese American community during WWII.

At the end of this presentation, volunteers will teach everyone how to make origami cranes to add to over 2,000 cranes already made by Redlands residents for the Riverside Metropolitan Museum California Peace Crane project.

We encourage you to join us!

Join the Redlands Sister Cities Association & The Redlands Police Department

On a Trip to Manzanar

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In 1942, the United States government ordered more than 110,000 men, women, and children to leave their homes and detained them in remote, military-style camps. Manzanar War Relocation Center near Lone Pine, CA was one of ten camps where Japanese American citizens and resident Japanese aliens were interned during World War II. The tour of the Manzanar National Historic Site by a Park Ranger includes a 60 minute tour of Block 14 and the Mess Hall, a bus tour of the perimeter road and time for a visit to the Museum and visitor center.

Depart Redlands- 7:30am; Return approx. - 9: pm.

Cost: $50/person. Ticket includes the tour, bus transportation and, a box lunch.

New members receive a $10 discount off Redlands Sister Cities Assoc. membership with ticket purchase.

For more information contact: or Anna Robles @ (909) 792-4977

Sunday, April 3, 2011

So exactly what is a Peace Crane???


Find out by attending a special presentation at the Smiley Library in Redlands on Tuesday, April 12th at 6:30pm. (See press release below.) This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about this important part of California history which took place during WWII. Youth and older children are welcome to attend. The presentation, given by the Riverside Metropolitan Museum’s curator, will last about an hour.

Following the presentation, attendees will be able to view displays from the period and they will be invited to learn how to make origami cranes for the museum’s Peace Crane Project. That’s where we come in. We have been asked to provide volunteers who can teach how to make the paper cranes. We are looking for 4 to 6 of you who could help. We have had some great teachers, including youth, at workday and at other activities, so if you can help us out for the short time needed that evening, please let us know.

If you’re new, and don’t know the purpose for our making all these cranes: we were invited to participate with the Redlands Sister Cities Association in collaboration with this museum in the California Paper Crane Peace Project.  The goal is, “to make 92,785 origami cranes - one for every person from California who was sent to a Japanese American internment camp, during World War II.”

We are hoping to have 1000 cranes to present that night, and are getting very close. If you have been making cranes at home or with your youth group, etc., let us know so we can add them to our flock in time to present them at this event. (The need for cranes does not end that night – so keep making them!)

Thanks for the donations of origami paper which have allowed us to create a beautiful and colorful flock of peace cranes. We’ve almost used up what you’ve given us, so it’s time to ask for more. Thanks!

Here’s the press release set to come out in the next couple of days in area newspapers:


The Harada Family of Riverside, California, Redlands, California Japanese American Community and the California Peace Crane Project

Redlands, CA – The Redlands Sister Cities Association in partnership with the Riverside Metropolitan Museum, A.K. Smiley Public Library, and Cal-State University, San Bernardino is hosting a special evening presentation on Tuesday, April 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the A.K. Smiley Public Library located at 125 W. Vine St., Redlands.

The presentation will feature introductory remarks by Anna Robles, President of the Redlands Sister Cities Association. Lynn Voorheis, Museum Curator of Historic Structures, Riverside Metropolitan Museum, will present the story of the Harada family of Riverside from their immigration from Japan at the turn of the century through their WWII experiences and return to Riverside. Don McCue, Archivist and Head of Special Collections, A.K. Smiley Public Library will provide remarks on the Redlands Japanese American community during WWII.

At the end of the presentation, volunteers will teach everyone how to make origami cranes to add to over 2,000 cranes already made by the Redlands residents for the Riverside Metropolitan Museum California Peace Crane project.


“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

-Leo Buscaglia