Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Humanitarian Update and Invitation to Workday on Thursday, December 9, 2010

2010-11-19 coat drive part 2

Come Join Us

Thursday, December 9, 2010

You are invited to drop by the
LDS Stake Center
at the corner of 5th and Wabash in Redlands
any time between the hours of
11 am and 8 pm

You’re invited to join us on December 9th and may choose from the following activities:          

  1. “Clean, Warm, and Cozy” Coat Drive: In November we  completed phase one and processed 889 coats, jackets, quilts, and some clothing.  We’ll be completing the project this month when we sort donations coming from fifteen elementary schools, the University of Redlands, the Soroptimist Club, Citrus Valley High School, and several locations in the city of Redlands.  This project assisting the Redlands Service Clubs Council for the second year will provide coats and other warm items to the needy this winter.       

    Thanks to everyone who took bags full of items home to wash last month!.  Things were gone in a flash!  We need you again this week so drop by and help us sort and/or take a bag to clean and return your items as quickly as possible.  The cold weather has come so we want them to be put to use right away!  

    The items are going to these four organizations:


    Oh, and special thanks to those who have transported dozens of loads of donations from locations all over our community!  And to Vine’s Storage in Mentone who has made space to keep our most recent loads at their facility on Colton Avenue.  We couldn’t do this without the tremendous support of so many!  Thanks! 

    Here are just a few shots from phase 1 of this year’s coat drive! 2010-11-11 workday 02
    We just had to hang this donated quilt because it was so cute! 
    2010-11-11 workday 03 2010-11-11 workday 04 A A few of the bags ready to go to Family Service Association:2010-11-11 workday 15  Nothing left but empty boxes…2010-11-11 workday 01 
  2. ORIGAMI CRANES: Our count is now over 350 cranes!  Check September’s post for details of why we are involved with this effort. We need lots of origami paper, so if you haven’t used your Michaels or JoAnn’s coupons yet this month, you could use it to get some paper for us.  We need all we can get.  Good quality wrapping paper also works well.  Notice who is teaching this beautiful art form – the kids!
    2010-11-11 workday cranes 1
    2010-11-11 workday cranes 2  
    2010-11-11 workday cranes 3
    We’ll be doing this for awhile, so if you’re already into scrapbooking or would like to learn, we could use your help.  We are collecting used greeting cards that we can cut up and use in our card making, so hang on to yours and and bring them with you.  We could use more cute paper and card stock if you have any to donate.
    Thanks to everyone who chose a gift tag last month for one of our twelve young men.  If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to return it by Thursday’s workday or by next Sunday.  Our gifts, including the duffle bags which we’ll be wrapping, will be delivered with Christmas stockings filled by the Cadettes from Girl Scout Troop 979 a few days before Christmas. 
  5. COLLECTING FOR THE INROADS PROGRAM AT THE GLEN HELEN REHABILITATION CENTER: We just made our second delivery of gifts to this facility. Our delivery included puzzles, toys, games, helmets, stuffed animals, books for inmates and their children, and religious materials. The religious literature will be shared with four county jails.  We will continue to collect paperback copies of the Book of Mormon and mark them with scripture mastery scriptures and our testimonies.  

  6. GRANNY SQUARES INTO AFGHANS: Come help us crochet more squares and put them together into lap quilts!
  7. WINTER HATS FOR THE HOMELESS:   If you have never made one of these hats, you’ve got to learn how! They are easy and something to do when watching TV or listening to your children read. We have looms you can check out and yarn too. We counted 113 medium to large hats ready to deliver to Blessing Center.  Special thanks to several of you who are making a lot of these hats at home! They really are adding up and are just beautiful!!!
     2010-11 hats for Blessing Center 02
  8. SLIPPERS ON LOOMS:  Learn how to make slippers on the smallest hat loom (the blue one).

  9. ASSEMBLE HYGIENE KITS for area parolees. We’ll continue as we’ve done now for several years. Thanks to several faith groups from all over town for your contributions to this cause! Contributions of any hygiene items are welcome, including trial size. The 99cent store, Dollar Tree, and Big Lots are good places to pick up some inexpensively.
  10. QUILTS:  As always... there will be quilts to put together, sew, and tie. 


Here’s an update of what’s been done in the past month outside of our regular workday.  Thanks for making it happen!

  • ROBERTSON BOYS’ HOME: Birthday celebrations for Sean and Terray were delivered in the past month. These young men really enjoy our visits, including the children that come along.

  • Thanks to the Redlands 3rd ward sisters who tied yet two more baby quilts this past month.

  • REDLANDS STAKE MID-SINGLES HOSTED A MID-SINGLE DINNER/SERVICE/FIRESIDE on November 20th.  It was a lovely evening.  Several projects were worked on and it was a fun evening!


From times past...

  • Do these pictures bring back memories?

        PICT0019   PICT0022                         PICT0021           PICT0020

  • If you’d like to participate in our work, but can’t come to workday, you can still participate by making a donation or choosing something you'd like to do at home. Just contact the specialist from your ward or congregation. If you do not have one, contact Jean Arnott at jeanarnott@gmail.com.

  • If you would like to contribute financially, you may do so by making a check out to the Redlands California Stake and send it to Jean Arnott, 31838 Florida Avenue, Mentone 92359.  Currently, financial contributions are going towards the purchase of fleece to make children’s and youth size blankets. 

    If you know someone who doesn’t know about our efforts and might like to help, please pass the word along to them.

    We’ll continue to have workdays on the 2nd Thursday of each month. So put a star on those dates and see you next time on January 12th, same time & place.

  • Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Humanitarian Update and Invitation to workday on November 11, 2010

                   2010-10 working on afghan                            

    Come Join Us

    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    You are invited to drop by the
    LDS Stake Center
    at the corner of 5th and Wabash in Redlands
    any time between the hours of
    11 am and 8 pm

    You’re invited to join us on November 11th and may choose from the following activities:          

    • “Clean, Warm, and Cozy” Coat Drive: For the second year, we are assisting the Redlands Service Clubs Council in providing coats and other warm items to the needy this winter.  The Redlands Unified School District is collecting items as they did last year, but this year every school is participating.  In addition, the City of Redlands and University of Redlands have also come on board.    

      Part One will take place at workday on Thursday when deliveries from all locations except the elementary school will arrive.  We’ll be sorting and bagging items to be cleaned with instructions on where to return them.  

      Part Two will take place on or after November 19th when we get all the donations from the elementary schools.  We’ll send out information on how you can help with this second part after we finish up this week. 

      It’s important that we complete this project as quickly as possible so that the items can be put to use in time for the cold weather. 

      This year we’ll be providing warm items for four organizations:


      SO… come by, help sort, and take a bag to clean. 

      Here’s a look at last year with some interesting details you may enjoy learning about: 

    • ORIGAMI CRANES: Well, we’re off and running - or should I say flying - with this project. One hundred cranes were completed by the end of workday last month and another 110 were made by the Redlands 4th ward young women. Check last month’s post for details of why we are involved with this effort. Also look to see how you can order origami paper for free. We need all we can get. Good quality wrapping paper also works well. Here’s part of our ‘flock’:

    2010-10 origami cranes

      We’ll be doing this for awhile, so if you’re already into scrapbooking or would like to learn, we could use your help. We could use more cute paper and card stock if you have any to donate.
      Come and choose a gift tag for one of our twelve boys. We would like to give three gifts to each boy. A $20 gift card to Target, $15 gift card to Walmart, and $10 in cash to purchase a duffle bag (which we have already selected). Return your tag with your gift by next workday. These gifts will be delivered with Christmas stockings filled by the Cadettes from Girl Scout Troop 979.

    Putting the tags together…2010-10 making gift tags for boys home 

    Choose a tag and return on or before workday on Dec 9th.             2010 Boys Home gift cards 01

    • COLLECTING FOR INROADS REHABILITATION PROGRAM: We will continue to collect paperback copies of the Book of Mormon and personalize them before delivering them to INROADS which will disperse them to four county jails.
    •  GRANNY SQUARES INTO AFGHANS: See our first completed afghan! Just the right size for a lap quilt and so colorful! Come help us crochet more squares and put them together into lap quilts!      

      2010-10 Trish with afghan

    • WINTER HATS FOR THE HOMELESS:   If you have never made one of these hats, you’ve got to learn how! They are easy and something to do when watching TV or listening to your children read. We have looms you can check out and yarn too. Last year we gave 140 hats to the Blessing Center/Joseph’s Storehouse to share with the homeless who spend cold winter nights there in their cold-weather shelter. How many will we have this year? We’ll count and let you know next time.


    •  SLIPPERS ON LOOMS:  Learn how to make slippers on the smallest hat loom (the blue one).    
    • ASSEMBLE HYGIENE KITS for area parolees. We’ll continue as we’ve done now for several years. Thanks to several faith groups from all over town for your contributions to this cause! Contributions of any hygiene items are welcome, including trial size. Our most needed items right now are pocket-size notebooks,  washcloths,and toothpaste.  The 99cent store, Dollar Tree, and Big Lots are good places to pick up some inexpensively.
    • QUILTS:  As always... there will be quilts to put together, sew, and tie. 

                                            ends with halloween delivery 076

    ends with halloween delivery 078 

    Here’s an update of what’s been done in the past month outside of our regular workday.  Thanks for making it happen!

    • ROBERTSON BOYS’ HOME: Our boys were treated to a Halloween surprise prepared by a class of mentally handicapped students at Anderson School in San Bernardino. Tom, one of the students, joined in the delivery, as did my friend, Vincent.

    (Check here tomorrow for pictures of the delivery.)

    • It was also Rayvon’s birthday.  One mom who delivered said, “…he was very grateful & thanked us many times. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to do this...it's a wonderful feeling being a part of something that has nothing to do with ourselves.”

    • Thanks to the Redlands 3rd ward sisters who tied yet two more baby quilts this past month.

    • Students at Anderson School are also assembling new-release hygiene kits for our area parolees.  These are smaller kits include washcloth, toothbrush, nail clippers, comb, pocket-size notebook, and pen.  New parolees receive one of these kits in addition to a larger ‘re-fill’ kit when they are first released from prison.

      2010 -10 hygiene new-release


    From times past...

  • Do these pictures bring back memories?

                                        SDC10687SDC10792 SDC10772

  • If you’d like to participate in our work, but can’t come to workday, you can still participate by making a donation or choosing something you'd like to do at home. Just contact the specialist from your ward or congregation. If you do not have one, contact Jean Arnott at jeanarnott@gmail.com.

  • If you would like to contribute financially, you may do so by making a check out to the Redlands California Stake and send it to Jean Arnott, 31838 Florida Avenue, Mentone 92359.

    If you know someone who doesn’t know about our efforts and might like to help, please pass the word along to them.

    We’ll continue to have workdays on the 2nd Thursday of each month. So put a star on those dates and see you next time on December 9th, same time & place.

  • Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Times for special activities and FREE ORIGAMI PAPER

    We will have at least 8 different projects going at workday tomorrow. Most projects you can do anytime you want, but we have special helpers coming at the following times to help with specific activities. If you want to help with one of these particular projects – see if coming at these times will work for you (though of course, you are welcome any time!).

    11:30 – Paper Cranes***, complete with DVD and written instructions. (Kristy Hall)

    12:30 – Gift tags for our Christmas gifts for our boys at the Robertson Memorial Home (Cheryl Hallen)

    3:00 – Crocheting granny squares and putting them together into afghans (Trish Dennert)

    ***Regarding the PAPER CRANES: We will have some origami paper tomorrow, but we need lots more. Here are 2 ways you can help:

    1) Michael’s and JoAnn’s both carry it and it’s NOT on sale right now, which means you can use your 50% off coupons to get it.

    2) Here’s news of a completely free offer for origami paper via the internet. This is a link to a blog post explaining the offer http://mylitter.com/deals/free-origami-paper/ and here is the offer http://www.everythinginpapercrafting.com/paper_promotion.html. Please take time to order the free paper, whether you are planning to make the cranes yourself or would like to just donate the paper. (If the links don’t work, copy and paste them into your browser.)

    Thank you, Ann Molino, for this timely information!

    Origami Crane

    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    Humanitarian Update and Invitation to workday on October 14, 2010


    Come Join Us

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    You are invited to drop by the
    LDS Stake Center
    at the corner of 5th and Wabash in Redlands
    any time between the hours of
    11 am and 8 pm

    Here’s an update of what’s been done since last workday. Thanks for making it happen!

    • YOUNG MEN FROM REDLANDS 1ST WARD: On August 18, these young men made a fleece blanket, wrote their testimonies to be included in copies of the Book of Mormon to go to 4 county jails, and worked on picture books. 

    • ROBERTSON BOYS’ HOME:  LaMar's August birthday was made special with his favorite flavors of cake and ice cream, a couple of movie tickets, gifts cards, and a yummy – yes, as in edible - poster.  Usually about four or five woman work together to prepare for each young man’s birthday.  The best part may be making the delivery.  It’s fun for everyone and they are very appreciative!  Thanks to all who have helped over the past 14 months. We’ve made a total of 15 birthday deliveries so far.


    • Also in August, was Matthew’s birthday.  Again, he was thrilled with his celebration.  He, in fact, insisted that the three moms and their children stay and share the cake and ice cream with him.  As one mom said, “You could tell he really wanted us to stay and enjoy this time with him… he did a great job at playing host… He said, ‘You guys are good people for doing these nice things for us.’ He was so sincere."   

    • WORKING WITH STEP BY STEP AND THE PACT: We’ve been providing hygiene kits for area parolees as part of Step by Step – a Reentry Coalition through the Police and Corrections Team (PACT) for several years now. Newcomers to Women of Faith may wonder what this is all about. Check the side bar to read about the value of a hygiene kit to a newly released inmate who is returning home. It is only the first of many ways that Step by Step works to help these men and women transition back into a life that is productive and positive. 

      Here you see our hygiene kits being assembled:

      Seth and Kate Hall 8-12-10 001

      Seth and Kate Hall 8-12-10 004

      There are many services which Step by Step offers. As director of programs for Step by Step, I (Jean), have seen the effect that these services have and are having on the lives of these individuals and their families. It is an honor for me and other volunteers to work with members of the PACT on a weekly basis at parolee check-in. Assisting a parolee identify resources for obtaining the basics of food, clothing, housing, or medical or mental health care, or to obtain his birth certificate, picture ID, driver’s license or other vital document is gratifying.

      Here are two volunteers at our SBS table at the Salvation Army in Redlands, all decked out with information. 

      2010-08 SBS checkin table    
      I especially love it when we are able to help a parolee get back into school, either to get his GED or to go to community college or to receive vocational training. Right now, we are assisting several motivated men who are studying to become such things as a diesel mechanic, a phlebotomist, and an accountant. We are helping in real ways which most often literally make the pursuit of their goals possible. We also are able to refer parolees to a program that assists in preparing for and obtaining employment. Again, with the support of SBS volunteers and agents and officers whose intent includes supporting those individuals who are ready to make something of their lives, some are these individuals are becoming   productive citizens and the future is dramatically improved for their children.

      Step by Step is looking into instituting a mentoring program. Statistics show great success in areas where mentoring programs exist. We will be guided by and working closely with those who have set up successful programs in other places. If you would like to find out more about the mentoring program and think you may want to participate as a mentor, please let me know. Meanwhile, thank you for your support through helping to provide hygiene kits. Let’s also remember these individuals and their families in our prayers. “When ye have done it unto the least of these….”  

    • Thanks to the Redlands 3rd ward sisters who tied yet two more baby quilts this past month.

    You’re invited to join us on October 14th and may choose from the following activities:

                           Origami Crane

    • ORIGAMI CRANES: We have been invited to participate with the Redlands Sister Cities Association in collaboration with the Riverside     Metropolitan Museum in the California Paper Crane Peace Project.  The goal is, “to make 92,785 origami cranes -one for every person from California who was sent to a Japanese American internment camp, during World War II.” (http://www.riversideca.gov/museum/exhibit-22.asp) The museum has already collected 52,000 cranes.  Come on Thursday to learn this origami art.  We’ll have the following instructional video on hand and will learn together.  Paste the following into your browser to see the video now.   http://www.origami-fun.com/origami-crane.html

      This is a project we just started. We’re making greeting cards that will be given to the children by the nursing staff as needed.  We are prepared to create ‘get well’, ‘thinking of you’, 'cheery thoughts’, and other cards.  We could use more cute paper and card stock if you have any to donate.

      In addition to birthdays, we’ll be celebrating Halloween, then Christmas which is just around the corner.  Thanks to students at Anderson School in San Bernardino who are preparing a Halloween surprise for the boys.  And to 9 of you (and counting) who responded to our request for help with the Halloween celebration.

      At workday this week, we’ll be making Christmas gift tags for the boys.  Then in November, you’ll be able to choose a tag for one of the young men, and bring it back with either a gift card or another item as indicated on the tag.  If you aren’t able to make it to workday, but would like us to save one for you, let us know!   

      Here are the gift tags from last year:

      Boys' home 2009 gift card tags 002

      Boys' home 2009  gift card tags 005 
    • COLLECTING FOR INROADS REHABILITATION PROGRAM: We heard that there are some of you who have items you still wanted to donate to the program.  You’re in luck!  We didn’t make the delivery yet, so bring your donations and we’ll add them to the load:  children’s books, puzzles, and toys; Big Wheel type riding toys and helmets; paperback copies of classic novels – several of the same title is especially nice (i.e. Red Badge of Courage) and paperback copies of the Book of Mormon and Bible and religious materials from any denomination – both in English and Spanish. None of these items need to be new, but we hope they’ll be in really good shape.

    • GRANNY SQUARES INTO AFGHANS: Hey, we need an expert or two who can lead out in this! We have well over a hundred squares but need help getting more of them put together.  We also have a bunch of beautiful but tiny crocheted blankets that need to be combined to make more useful sizes of baby afghans.  But we need expert help for this…

    • WINTER HATS FOR THE HOMELESS:   These will be given to the homeless through the Blessing Center which has a ‘cold-weather shelter’ that operates from December 1st thru the end of March each year.  When the temperature is expected to dip below 40 degrees or when it is raining, the homeless have a warm, dry place to sleep.

      A call to the Blessing Center this week confirmed that they will definitely need all the hats that we can give them this winter.  Last year, 120 hats were delivered on Christmas Eve.  All were gone before the winter season was over.  We’ve been saving up all the hats that have been turned in over the months.   Keep it up!  How many will we have this year?  If you need yarn, stop by and pick some up.  

      2009-12 Blessing Center #2 Ruth, Hannah, Kim (1)
  •  SLIPPERS ON LOOMS:  Learn how to make slippers on the smallest hat loom (the blue one).   

  • ASSEMBLE HYGIENE KITS for area parolees. Thanks to several faith groups from all over town for your contributions to this cause! Contributions of any hygiene items are welcome, including trial size. Our most needed items right now are pocket-size notebooks, washcloths, and men’s deodorant.  The 99cent store, Dollar Tree, and Big Lots are good places to pick up some inexpensively.

    • QUILTS:  As always... there will be quilts to sew and tie.

    From times past...

    Do you remember what this was all about?

    Afg 2- sorting books     

    After 2 years, it’s about time to share the following.  This came from California Senator Bob Dutton in September 2008.  Completely unexpected…

           certificate from CA senate 2008

    If you’d like to participate in our work, but can’t come to workday, you can still participate by making a donation or choosing something you'd like to do at home. Just contact the specialist from your ward or congregation. If you do not have one, contact Jean Arnott at jeanarnott@gmail.com.

    If you would like to contribute financially, you may do so by making a check out to the Redlands California Stake and send it to Jean Arnott, 31838 Florida Avenue, Mentone 92359.

    If you know someone who doesn’t know about our efforts and might like to help, please pass the word along to them.

    We’ll continue to have workdays on the 2nd Thursday of each month through 2010. So put a star on those dates and see you next time on November 11th, same time & place.

  • Thursday, July 29, 2010

    Women of Faith to collect back packs for Micah House



    Women of Faith to assist

    Micah House

    Micah House, which supports children at risk, is hosting a Back to School Block Party on Saturday, August 7th on Oxford Street in Redlands. They need our help in supplying new back packs which they will provide to children who will be entering 1st through 8th grades. You can help by providing a new back pack or by donating cash to purchase one. Give your donation to your humanitarian specialist or to Jean Arnott 794-0456 by Thursday, August 5th. Checks should be made out to the Redlands California Stake.

    Monday, June 7, 2010

    Humanitarian Update and Invitation to workday on June 10, 2010


    Come Join Us

    Thursday, June 10, 2010

    You are invited to drop by the
    LDS Stake Center
    at the corner of 5th and Wabash in Redlands
    any time between the hours of
    11 am and 8 pm

    Here’s an update of what’s been done since last workday. Thanks for making it happen!

    • ROBERTSON BOYS’ HOME: On the Wednesday before Mother’s Day, we had an activity where each boy put together a gift for their mother or for a woman they wished to honor.  First they chose from a selection of lotions, perfumes, bath salts, etc. and wrapped them.  Then they created a beautiful card.  We were amazed at the attention to detail these young men put into their work.  This was not a quick project and the results were amazing!  Just take a look.  

    •  DELIVERY TO INROADS: On April 29th, we took a car load of items to the Glen Helen facility.  We took puzzles and toys and games and a couple of big wheels and a wagon and books for children and adults and yarn for tying quilts.  We also took personalized copies of the Book of Mormon in English and in Spanish and literature from the First Church of Christ, Scientist.  In her own words, the director of the program was ‘happily overwhelmed’. We’re going to continue collecting items for a couple of months and take up another more load.  The INROADS program offers rehabilitation to inmates through academic and occupational programs. 


    • DELIVERY TO DASH:  We had a lovely visit when we delivered 25 craft aprons, 25 terry cloth clothing protectors, and 25 oil cloth clothing protectors to some wonderful folks at D.A.S.H. on June 7th.  This facility is known as “The Other Place Adult Day Program” and is located in Redlands. 


    • Hygiene Kits continue to be delivered to the Redlands Police and Corrections Team where they are made available to needy area parolees as part of the services made available by the Step by Step Reentry Coalition.  
    • Redlands 3rd ward sisters continue to tie a couple of quilts each month for us. 


    On Thursday you can choose from the following activities:

    • Would you like to sign up to help celebrate the birthday for one of our boys? Let us know.
    • We’ll continue our project of collecting items for INROADS. We’re requesting donations of any of the following to help them in their programs: children’s books, puzzles, and toys; Big Wheel type riding toys and helmets; paperback copies of classic novels – several of the same title is especially nice (i.e. Red Badge of Courage) and paperback copies of the Book of Mormon and Bible and religious materials from any denomination – both in English and Spanish. None of these items need to be new, but we hope they’ll be in really good shape.
    • Help put granny squares together to make afghans. Learn how it’s done and make more granny squares to keep it going. Over a hundred squares have been turned in!
    • Crochet winter hats.  These will be given to the homeless through the Blessing Center (formerly Joseph’s Storehouse).  

    • Assemble hygiene kits for area parolees. Thanks to several faith groups from all over town for your contributions to this cause!  Contributions of any hygiene items are welcome, including trial size.  Our most needed items right now are men’s deodorant, shaving cream, shampoo, and men’s disposable razors.  The 99cent store, Dollar Tree, and Big Lots are good places to pick up some inexpensively.  Also CVS. 
    • As always... there will be quilts to sew and tie.

    You’re Invited to join us on July 8th:

    If you have relatives or friends in town, bring them on down with you for an hour or two.  If you’ve recently moved to the area, it’s a great way to meet people and make new friends.  Bring the kids.  We’ll either have something for them to help with, or they can play while you work (toys provided.)  They may serve in a most creative way –like this!

    If you want to help, but can’t come to workday, you can still participate by making a donation or choosing something you'd like to do at home.  Just contact the specialist from your ward or congregation.  If you do not have one, contact Jean at jeanarnott@gmail.com. 

    If you would like to contribute financially, you may do so by making a check out to the Redlands California Stake.  Email Jean for directions on where to send it. 

    If you know someone who doesn’t know about our efforts and might like to help, please pass the word along to them.

    We’ll continue to have workdays on the 2nd Thursday of each month through 2010.  So put a star on those dates and see you next time on July 8th, same time & place.